Kære Patienter. 

Vi har ingen akutte tider tirsdag d. 19/11-2024 og onsdag d. 20/11-2024, grundet sygdom!

Vi henviser til Sundhed.dk, under Øre-Næse-Hals Læger.

Vi beklager ulejligheden. 

Team ØNH  



⦁                    Otitis media and fluid in the ears.

⦁                    Throat and sinus infections.

⦁                    Tinnitus.

⦁                    Hearing loss.

⦁                    Reference to hearing aid.

⦁                    Hearing screening of young children using otoacoustic emissions.

⦁                    Allergy test.

⦁                    Throat problems - voice problems and suspicion of malignancy.

⦁                    Snoring and sleep apnea.

⦁                    Ultrasound scan of the throat  and neck.

⦁                    Dizziness and facial paralysis.