Kære Patienter.

Ved AFBUD benyt Patientportalen, som står på forsiden af vores hjemmeside. 

AFBUD kan også ske på oerelaege@oerelaege.dk (Ikke andre forespørgsler). 

De bedste hilsner Team ØNH 


⦁                    Removal of tonsils.

⦁                    Partial removal of tonsils.

⦁                    Removal of adenoids.

⦁                    Uvula removal.

⦁                    Correction of deviated nasal septum.

⦁                    Removal of nasal polyps.

⦁                    Turbinate reductions.

⦁                    Placing a tube in the eardrum.

⦁                    Tympanplsty (closing a hole on the eardrum using paper).

⦁                    Broken nose surgery.

⦁                    Biopsy of ear, nose, and throat areas, as well as skin on the head and neck.

⦁                    Removal of small skin tumors on the lips, face and head and neck.

⦁                    Removal of salivary stones.

⦁                    Surgery of short tongue tie.


Fasting Rules before surgery:

You may eat up to 6 hours before your appoinment. After that, you must not

eat anything.

UP to 2 hours before your appoinment,  you may drink only water.

Surgery Instructions:

Adenoid Removal (PDF)

Nasal Operation (PDF)

Tonsillectomy (PDF)

Tonsillotomi (PDF)